Design Process

Assessment & Consultation

We assess the property features (natural landscape, soil, vegetation, and infrastructure) and balance these with the client requirements to create customised garden designs which best enhance the aesthetic, ecological or food-producing potential of the property. From here the client can either choose to build it as a DIY project or allow us to bring the design to life.



Committed to minimising the use of fossil fuels, our designs require no major landscaping or earth-moving machinery as it is much more cost-effective and sensible to just work with nature and utilise the local topographic and environmental conditions of the property.



Once the garden is established, we will give it a check-up service to ensure everything is growing well.

Provides a highly productive and healthy supply of organic fruit, vegetables, herbs and medicinal plants increasing food security and economic resilience
Enhances physical and mental health & wellbeing
Utilizes space more efficiently - our wild garden designs mimic the diversity and density of forest systems
Resilient to climate change extremes
Provides natural privacy screening, shelter belts and sound barriers
Aesthetically increases the property value
Promotes healthier eating habits and lifestyle
Provides natural therapy and stress relief
Promotes biodiversity, attracts pollinators and provides habitat for local wildlife
Naturally increases soil health and fertility over time
Over time, wild gardens become self-sustaining systems requiring considerably less watering and maintenance than conventional gardens and lawns
Reconnects people to nature and natural food processes
Sequestration of carbon through biochar soil amendment systems

Once established, 'wild' gardens do not require:

Chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides.
Tilling or ploughing of the soil.
Elaborate composting systems.
Petroleum dependent garden tools or machinery.
Constant weeding or irrigation
Two Bananas

Would you like to transform your garden into...

Edible/medicinal gardens
Food forests/Food jungles
Traditional Māori & Pacific gardens
Native/wild garden sanctuaries
Design Inspiration

Our wild gardening approach is rooted in the philosophy of Shizen Nōhō (Natural Farming) - a holistic horticultural approach aimed at restoring the balance between humans and nature by creating diverse edible gardens and farms which mimic forest systems. Shizen Nōhō was developed by Japanese farmer and philosopher, Masanobu Fukuoka, considered one of the inspirations of the Permaculture and organic farming movements. We also blend the natural simplicity of Fukuoka's principles with indigenous horticultural approaches (especially Māori and Pacific ecological values and gardening systems). This fusion of approaches has resulted in our 'wild' garden designs which take on a lush, serene and uniquely Pacific character and style.
